What makes a Delta Crusader the premier choice for custom converting?
One of the major benefits of polypropylene is that through injection molding and thermoforming it can be manufactured into a living hinge which is important because it does not break when repeatedly bent. This allows for faster prototype development and less expense than other prototyping methods.
Polypropylene Capabilities
Our team at CFS has the expertise and skills to provide custom molding and extrusions to meet your Polypropylene molded part needs. Whether you need help prototyping and designing a part or already have a working blueprint, we ensure that you will have a quality finished product on time.
Common Polypropylene parts include:
- Tubing
- Medical devices
- Machine guards
- Shims
- Weather striping
- Window and door seals
- Window and door trim
Custom Polypropylene Parts
Charasteristics include good chemical resistance, elasticity, fatigure resistance, insualtive and transmissivity. CFS uses custom molding and extruding machinery to bring the best in quality custom Polypropylene part solutions. Common custom Polypropylene parts applications include
- Household Goods
- Electrical
- Medical
- Automotive
- Chemical
- Petrochemical
- Construction
To learn more about our custom extrusions and molding using Polypropylene, please Contact Us today.