Silicone Rubber Flame Spray Tape


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Product Details

Our High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) tape is a laminate of blue silicone rubber, fiberglass fabric and a 4 mil aluminum with a pressure sensitive silicone adhesive. Designed for severe duty applications including HVOF. The high temperature silicone adhesive will release cleanly.

Product Features

  • Temperature Rating: 500° F / 260° C
  • Double ply construction provides superior protection
  • Used primarily for HVOF coating applications
  • Will not flag during HVOF operations


  • 18 Mil Total Thickness
  • Roll Length - 18 yards


  • Steel Adhesion (oz/in) - 55

What is HVOF?

HVOF is a method of propelling molten particles on to work surfaces for each coating. As an essential feature of thermal spray coatings, sprayed particles – upon and after impact – deform so as to interlock with the impact surface's profile. A small chamber is used to create supersonic velocity of exhaust. The focused exhaust stream receives the powder material at a velocity that the resultant impact forges adequate bonding. In fact, the impact from the kinetic energy is so great that most of the porosity is eliminated. As such, the less porous coating provides the best wear resistance and densest coatings available.

HVOF coatings may be as thick as 12 mm (1/2"). It is typically used to deposit wear and corrosion resistant coatings on materials, such as ceramic and metallic layers. Common powders include WC-Co, chromium carbide, MCrAlY, and alumina. The process has been most successful for depositing cermet materials (WC–Co, etc.) and other corrosion-resistant alloys (stainless steels, nickel-based alloys, aluminium, hydroxyapatite for medical implants, etc.).

Materials Specifications